"Suffering is not a punishment, nor a fruit of sin; it is a gift of God. He allows us to share in his suffer and to make up for the sins of the for the sins of the world"
Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
"It is easy to place a veil over the head and to cover the eyes, to wear poor and wretched clothes, and to walk with the head cast down, but it is patience that proves a man to be really humble"
St. Augustine
"You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him"
St Terese of Jesus
"The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort."
St Padre Pio
"I plead with you - never, ever give up on hope; never doubt, never tire and never become discouraged. Be not afraid."
Saint Pope John Paull II
Saint Philip Neri
"Never abandon prayer, even when it seems pointless to pray"
Pope Francis
"We do not have to talk very much in order to pray well"
Saint Jean Vianney
"Beg God for the graces you need to overcome any faults. Specifically request the graces of perseverance, patience, purity, humility, courage, fidelity, and wisdom. Visit Him often in the Blessed Sacrament and ask Him for the assistance you need"
Rachel Marie Collins, Saint Paul Center