Feast Day August 27
Dear Saint Monica, once the sorrowing mother of a wayward son, please present our petitions to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth. (mention your intentions here)
Look down upon our anxieties and needs, and intercede for us, as you did so fervently for Augustine, your first born. We have full confidence, that your prayers will gain favorable hearing in heaven. Mother of sinner-turned saint; obtain for us patience, perserverance, and total trust in God's perfect timing. In his appointed hour, in his merciful way, may he respond to your prayer and ours, which we offer through you. Amen.
Look down upon our anxieties and needs, and intercede for us, as you did so fervently for Augustine, your first born. We have full confidence, that your prayers will gain favorable hearing in heaven. Mother of sinner-turned saint; obtain for us patience, perserverance, and total trust in God's perfect timing. In his appointed hour, in his merciful way, may he respond to your prayer and ours, which we offer through you. Amen.