Suffering & Anxiety

"Pain, Suffering and Sorrow are but the Kiss of Jesus - A sign that you have come so close to him that He can kiss you"
Saint Teresa of Calcutta

"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.  Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
Saint Francis de Sales

"Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall a soul, except sin.  God commands you to pray but He forbids you to worry"
Saint Francis De Sales

"God will only permit something bad to happen if there is greater good that can come from it"
Saint Augustine

"Suffering is a sure sign that God loves us.  Bearing physical and spiritual suffering is the worthiest gift we can offer to Jesus."
Saint Padre Pio

"Calm the tormenting anxieties of your heart and banish from your imagination all those distressing thoughts and sentiments which are all suggested by Satan in order to make you act badly"
Saint Padre Pio

"Offer up your sufferings large and small for the holy souls in Purgatory...often expressed simply as "off it up" by many Catholic moms and dads through the ages.  A beautiful way to join our sufferings to the Redemptive Suffering of Jesus Christ. Let's do it!"
Bishop J. Strickland